Thursday, December 16, 2010

Your Little Black Book

With the discussion about contacts comes the obvious question: what kind of contacts should I have?

Well, from an RP perspective- whoever you like hanging out with! (And it doesn't hurt if they can help you out!) Here are just a few sample contacts you may wish to consider.

Doctor: Hopefully one who doensn't mind keeping things off the books. Dr. House would be a wonderful contact for that shadowrunner who needs stitching but not snitching!

Lawyer: Better Call Saul when you find yourself in legal trouble. Besides, who else knows how to launder money, fight drug charges, bug offices, locate people, and provide a front business, for just a hefty amount off the top?

Talismonger: Mages, you know you need those talismans: fetishes and foci! Plus, access to someone who works at a lodge (or circle) can get you buddies to initiate with!

Cop: While a lawyer gets you out of jail, a cop gets you out of tickets, can fake blood work, or do any number of things for you- if he likes you enough. He might also be willing to snag items from evidence- for a price. Get really friendly and he can make sure to keep an eye on your house for you while you're out.

Reporter: Need some spin, or just want to hear the latest scoop before everyone else does? April O'Neal is the person you need to see!

Ammunation: Need guns? No questions? Come down to the gun show and find a guy who can help you locate those hidden items on the streets. Why use your negotiation when you can use his, and for a modest price of the street index!

Decker: Of course you need matrix security. With all the hackers out there, your identity needs to be kept safe! And if you can't do it yourself, why not ask that kid down the street who's "good with computers"?

Corporate Employee: If you have a friend in every company, you've got a potentially open door, a "mugging" that grants you a uniform, and plenty of good info.

Fixer: Who else hooks you up with johnsons and sings your praises? If you were in D&D you'd go to the bard, here you find the fixer. Without him you have no new johnsons.

Driver: Whether he drives limos, cabs, or rents cars (even works at an impound lot) he can usually provide you with a car to drive around town (or maybe in a foreign town). Even better, he might find a driver to get you the hell out of there.

Fencer: Whether it's diamond, gold, or just used guns (even used cyberware!), there's a market for it, and the fencer can put the buyer with the seller. Just bring the goods!

Cyber-Surgeon: So you've bought that highly illegal piece of headware, have you? Who the hell is going to implant it in your skull without you having to worry that he leaves you unconscious and robs you, lets you die, or calls the police?

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