Friday, December 24, 2010

Runner Outfits

Sometimes you want to look sleek and sexy, but also hide your identity and perform tasks. So enters the Avaline "Costume" series, costumes designed to make you look like a sexy superhero, but also being functional in the extremely "rediculous" case that you actually use it to be a superhero shadowrunner. All of these provide cover for your face to hide your features.

Coming in a dark black or "dirty city gray" color, these full body suits cover the entire face and even have sunglass technology built into the typical eye hole, so that you just appear as a shilouhette, while not obscuring your own vision. The color grants a +1 bonus on stealth (sneaking and hiding) checks in dark areas (including outdoor night), which does not stack with ruthenum, but still...

The hands have a special plastic-clay polimer that aids in gripping, as do the feet, which grants a +1 bonus on any check to climb or avoid being disarmed. As an added feature (which is advertised as a sexual role play scenario), various pieces, or all of the costume can tear-away and be removed as a simple action, making this a "sexy ninja" costume, or just allowing you to quickly remove the costume to show other clothes underneath. The ninja costume is specially built with strong fibers which provide 1 ballistic and 2 impact armor rating.

Themed after superheroes, the Avengerwear series provides a thick black chestplate and legwear which provides 2 ballistic and 3 impact armor, and a black cape which can open up to concealed gliders. It also provides a belt which can proives +2 to any attempt to conceal small items like pistols, grapple guns, a few small grenades, or some simple surveillance equipment (like shotgun mics). The arms have spiked steel plates allowing the user to grip into buildings while climbing, granting +1 to climbing checks, or checks to avoid falling off a ledge or something by grabbing on to the side. The mask itself is designed to be difficult to remove, taking several complex actions, even if the wearer is unconscious.

This loose, semi-transparant material is worn by women as an attractive harem costume, with a small veil to cover the facial features. The fact that the legs and arms have thin material tends to draw the target's eyes to the form rather than the face. While this does provide a -2 penalty to any attempts to conceal objects on the person, it does grant +2 dice to any athletic tests based on how loose it is, as if you were wearing nothing at all. It often comes equipped with steel razor fans, which fits with the costume, but acts as actual edged weapons, and are easily concealable as harmelss accessories.

With gothic culture still alive and well, the Avoline Gothiwear provided strong attire for the descriminating gothic shadowrunner. Using white and black makeup to disguise the face and either a wig or hair dye to mask their true features, the wearer gets a +2 bonus on disguise checks when wearing the gothiwear- but the benefits don't stop there. The heavy cloak can be opened into a pesonal glider, and that long spring-loaded gothic dress works as a personal cannon, allowing them to fire themselves up to tall buldings (in a single bound!). The make coat or female corset provides a 2 impact and 1 ballistic rating, and the entire ensamble grants +2 to concealment rating of objects hidden within. Many come with a sword-cane accessory as well, some with a sword-cane disguised grapple gun instead.

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