Thursday, December 23, 2010

Team Base

A team base is, in many ways, a lifestyle that any team member can crash at. But then, it's more than that- it's also a place for them to do their research, initiate, summon spirits, and all that fun stuff.

Team Bases must be agreed on by all team members and they are responsible for the upkeep every month (represented as a lifestyle cost). Team members are not "individually" responsible for their base- as long as the total cost gets paid it doesn't matter who pays it.

Team Bases can also provide a number of bonuses to shadowrunning teams who build it up.

Bases should have the following stats:
Computers- Represents by the level of matrix access a place has.
Storage- Represents the storage capacity (for storing vehicles/equipment)
Living Space- How much room there is to crash/throw parties
Security- How hard the place is to find/ how secure it is against threats
Magic- Represents built in libraries or lodges.

These stats all start out at 0. For each level of lifestyle (starting at low), the team has 2 poitns to distribute to these stats.

The GM might choose to increase these stats via story bonuses (such as finding a bunch of special computer servers during a mission to increase the computer rating by 1, or having a magic ghost live in the area and increase the magic rating by 1).

The stats can also be increased by spending money. You can increase the total monthly cost of the base by $5000 to raise any score by 1.

Each score can provide team members a benefit when doing things at their base.

Computers: The base can roll a number of dice equal to its computer score TN6, each success lowers the TN of a computers check made by a PC at the base by 1. This also affects knowledge and research rolls.

Storage: Bigger bases can hold more stuff. Rank 0 can hold guns and personal equipment, 1 can hold motorcycles and small vehicles like bikes, Rank 2 can hold cars and trucks, Rank 3 can hold helicoptors and planes, Rank 4 can hold tankers and large ships.

Living Space: Each score allows for 2 people to live there comfortably at the level of the lifestyle. (Luxery 1 = 2 people can live there and enjoy luxury living). The number can be increased by 2 to decrease the lifestyle by 1 (4 people @ high, 6 people @ medium, etc).

Security: When laying low, being pursued, being attacked at the base, etc, have the base roll security TN 4 check. Each success increases the TNs of all attacker tests by 1.

Magic: Represents having magical libraries and such on hand. Each rank is the equivelant of a 2 force lodge or hermetic library. (Both @ once). Magic 4 could be treated as a force 8 lodge for purposes of spell learning.

Example: The group decides to purchase a High group lifestyle for 10k/month. They have 6 points to distribute (low, med, high x 2). They put 3 in living space, 2 in storage, 1 in computers. Now 6 people can stay there enjoying a high lifestyle, they can store their vehicles there, and they have 1 die to try to improve their computer rolls made from inside the base. Later they might decide they can afford an extra 5k/month to increase the computers up to 2. On another mission they recover several expensive servers from a decker compound, which they bring to the base and the GM raises the computers rating to 3!

Part of the point of this is that a group lifestyle can provide everyone benefits that they contribute towards together, allowing for party cohesion. The bonuses encourage people to spend more time at the base instead of at personal locations.

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