Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Apocalypse Scenarios

For those of you who want the fun system of shadowrun, perhaps even the history, but not all that corporate nonsense, you might try an apocalypse scenario instead! (Perhaps more suited for D20 modern, but...)

In any case, here are just a few possible apocalypse scenarios you can have- either coming in post apocalypse, during the apocalypse, or you can introduce the problem during play.

Zombie Apocalypse: Perhaps the most likely scenario in shadowrun considering the constant mutation of HMVV, the zombie apocalypse would play out much like in film: zombies kill other people and turn them into zombies too. To make the scenario playable you'll probably need some kind of "cure" that can protect the PCs from turning if they take it soon enough after a bite. This scenario is a true survival scenario, with them scouting out for weapons and ammo to help defend themselves from waves of zombie attackers.

Plague Apocalypse: Streets littered with cars but devoid of people, the plague scenario (or the "rapture" scenario, if you don't want to deal with dead bodies) has the players survivers of a plague or event that wiped out 99.9% of the living people, leaving the survivors to rebuild society with all the old toys, using only their own knowledge. After a while power will start going out, and unless the survivors can work together the elements will quickly defeat them. Perhaps made more fun if the survivors group together into rival civilizations.

Christian Apocalypse: Like the zombie one, but angels and monsters fight it out in the streets, fire and brimstone rains from the heavens, the Lady of Babylon joins with the Corporate Court to subjugate the people as the horsemen of the apocalypse roam the world bring chaos with them. Can the players survive, or can they be the heroes they need to be and halt the apocalypse? Why were they Left Below?

Weather Apocalypse: Global Warming, rising seas, long blizzards and drouts can cause a scenario where mass starvation becomes a huge concern. While some groups become hunting cannibals, others strive to fight off the ravenous madmen and maintain society in the face of human extinction. Perhaps it starts raining non-stop and the power goes out, or winter never ends. This allows for odd weather conditions and an almost D&D style atmosphere- with guns! Perhaps this is after an astrological event (meteor, solar flares) which wipe out much of society's advancements!

War Apocalypse: War has broken out, WWIII (or WWIV?) and this is probably going to mean the end of societies. Nuclear bombs may have been detonated in many major cities, and the PCs can be soldiers seeking to end the conflict, or just survivors trying to wheather out the storm. Perhaps the war is over, mankind is all but gone, and the PCs are trying to survive in a barren land where most of the buildings and food were destroyed by the war machines.

Robot Apocalypse: Like the war apocalypse but robots, AIs, etc have taken over and now hunt people, who must scrape by attempting to destroy robots who do not know fatigue, fear, and can work stronger and faster than man, and perhaps even think faster or better. Can mankind prevail?

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