There are multiple ways in which one might rent their body- described below.
Prostitution: Generally in a night, a player should be able to make CHA*$100. They have a risk of getting arrested if in an illegal area, or being abused by targets, but there it is. Patrons are usually men, for prostitutes of either gender. Being a "woman only" prostitute gets you only 70% pay.
Birthing Surrogate: While electronic wombs exist, nothing can really work better than a healthy woman. On successful implantation, the woman becomes pregnant and carries the child for a term of about 9-10 months, during which time they get weak immune system, -1 running modifier, and -2 to strength and body, but may earn up to $90,000 for the total time (or about $10,000 per month). Of course, this is paid at the end assuming a successful delivery (so women that go shadowrunning have to be EXTRA careful!). The woman may also be bothered by the doner parents about her lifestyle. (See the movie "Baby Momma"). Still, for someone who thinks she can pull it off...
Body Smuggler: Not just for drugs anymore, many items can be stashed in the body (especially for people with cyberware compartments or data storage). A good smuggle can take only days and earn anywhere from $500 to $10,000 depending on the goods. Treat this as a shadowrun instead of some back end stuff.
Spirit Mount: Some free spirits (or astrally projecting initiates with possession) may wish to use your body for a time. Perhaps it's one gender trying to get a feel for what it's like to be another, perhaps they want to get your fingerprints all over their crime scene. Regardless, there is a market for it... this should also be run as a shadowrun, unless it's just minor fun, in which case, treat it as prostitution. You must be astrally active to be able to rent yourself in this way.
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