Tuesday, December 28, 2010

The Optical Mage

Magic is targed through optics, meaning that one can use mirrors to help target spells. This lead to a lot of experimentation with fiberoptics and mirrors, and this is some of what the mage came up with.

Fiberoptic Goggles: Goggles with bendable, posable wires that extend up to 3' from the user's face, allowing them to look under doors, around corners, into cars, etc. Great for shooting around corners, however it provides complete blindness to all other things other than what the mage is looking at as the fiber optic lens takes up the full field of vision (like binoculars). It requires a complex action to aim such devices, and they have +5 to their stealth to avoid being seen by others. A mage cannot target you by seeing your goggles cord.

The Dental Mirror:
A dental mirror allows reflection, but it takes a complex action to aim and provides a +2 visibility modifier. The mirrors have +5 stealth to avoid being seen. A mage takes a +5 visibility modifier to target you back through your dental mirror.

Hand Mirror:
The hand mirror can be aimed as a simple action, and provides only a +1 visibility modifer to spells targed within. They have a +3 stealth to avoid being seen. A mage takes a +3 visibility modifier to target you back using your own mirror.

Periscope Goggles:
These are nice in that they can be aimed with a non-action as part of the looking around. Like fiberoptic goggles they provide blindness to all other directions (damn my lack of periphial vision!), and they have a very limited field of view. They have +2 to stealth to avoid being seen. A mage takes a +8 visibility modifier to target you back through your own persicope goggles.

Split Vision Method:
This involves one of the above methods with another eye either closed, or open, splitting your vision amidst 2 different directions. This allows you the benefits of the special vision (periscope, fiber optics), but provides a +3 TN modifier to all perception tests since you're trying to focus on 2 things at once. At least you aren't otherwise blinded.

Double Vision Method:
This involves using your actual vision to taget and supplimental vision to see other dangers. For example, you might use your fiber optic cables to view what's going on behind you (by wrapping them around your head) and then use ultrasound vision to be aware of other dangers. You may only target spells via your optical vision, but may use your alternate vision to do other tests, with only a +1 TN modifier due to the split vision. The difficulty here comes in getting multiple forms of vision that doesn't involve your eyes, though it may be possible.

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