Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Improvised Weapons

Sometimes you don't have a weapon. Sometimes you need to deal with the crap you find. Enter the improvised weapons!

Improvised weapons generally deal damage using either unarmed combat skill or whatever is closest to the weapon. Weapons that fit in the palm of the hand (large rocks or broken bottles) used for melee should be unarmed combat. Larger items (pool cues, chairs, etc) should go towards other items (polearms for pool cues). Thrown weapons tend to use the thrown weapon skill.

An improvised item generally uses ballistic armor to resist it. If sharp (broken bottle) it does physical damage, if blunt (big rock) it does stun damage. Going from stun>physical is fine, but it reduces the power of the attack by 1/2.

Most improvised weapons do 1 or 2 points less power than normal (so a chair leg might do [Str-2]L stun). Partiuclarly bulky items (like a whole chair) should take a +1 or +2 TN penalty to their use.

Some basic improvised weapons:

(Str-2)L Stun: Big rock, fire extinquisher, char leg, pool cue (+1 reach), chair (+2 TN), railroad spike.
(Str-1)L Stun: Bike chain (+1 reach), ladder (+2 reach), baseball bat
(Str)L Stun: Tire iron, crowbar
(Str-1)L : Broken bottle, railroad spike, straight razor, sawblade, saw, board with a nail in it

At GMs option, some improvised weapons may have special characteristics (a chair might be held as a shield, dirt might be thrown to blind, etc).

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