Monday, December 13, 2010

Removing Flaws and Buying Edges

Some edges make little sense (or have little to no benefit) at character creation, and sometimes you want to be able to remove a flaw. (For example: aptitude: centering does nothing until you initiate).

By the current system, removing a flaw typically replaces it with a similar (or worse!) flaw instead. This usually does not make sense.

So here's a mechanical system for replacing flaws and getting additional edges.

Losing Flaws:
Certainly flaws should be removable through in-story events (such as character driven missions). Otherwise, a PC should be able to remove his flaw by paying twice the karma cost that the flaw provided in build points.

A caveat to this (which makes it harder to lose larger flaws) is that flaws that are RANKED must be bought down, much like skill ranks are bought up.

So, if you have hunted:6. It takes 12 points to buy this down to hunted:4, then 8 points to buy down to hunted:2, then 4 points to remove: 24 points in general. Expensive, but worth it!

Gaining Edges:
In the same way, edges should be purchasable for twice their build point cost in good karma, and like flaws, should be bought up from 0.

Example: High Pain tolerance would be insanely expensive (2*1 for 1 box, 2*2 for 2nd box, 2*3 for 3rd box, etc).

Certainly edges and flaws are MUCH better to take at character creation, cost-wise, but then, so are skills and ability scores!

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