Thursday, December 30, 2010

Special Techniques

Consequence Reading: (Requires Common Sense Edge)
A character can suggest to the GM a specific course of action and make an Intelligence (4) test. The GM should tell the player what a probable outcome of that action will be. Extra successes equal more detailed info.

Example: The player says "I want to set off a smoke bomb, escape using the fire escape slide, using my knife to cut it behind me so people can't follow me away". He rolls 3 successes on his intelligence test, so the GM says "People may assume there's a fire and try to escape using the slide, be unable to see that it's damaged and fall to their injury or death."

Conversation Trick:
Daffy: It's rabbit season
Bugs: Duck season
Daffy: Rabbit season
Bugs: Rabbit season
Daffy: Duck season!

A conversation trick can trick someone into either revealing something, changing their stated belief, or thinking or taling about a special topic. The player makes an etiquette test opposed by the targets intelligence. If the player is successful, the ploy succeeds, with multiple successes meaning greater success. If the player fails, the ploy fails. If the target gets more than 3 net successes, he detects the attempted ploy and may be bothered by it.

This can be used during mind reading to attempt to trick people into thinking about a given topic.

Example: The party wants to know the location of the target's diary. The player says "So I hear your brother was going through your diary." he makes the opposed test. If successful, the target's eyes dart to her bed quickly. Multiple successes may have her go check the bed immediately to see if the diary is disturbed, thus revealing the diary's location. 3 net successes from the target make her realize the player is trying to trick her into revealing the diary's location.

Cold Reading
This is used to determine things about a person and being able to predict things about them. After a few rounds of conversation with a person, make a knowledge:psychology check opposed by the target's intelligence. You gain can get from a -3 to +3 modifier on the roll depending on how familiar you already are with the target, and how familiar the target is with you. (If you've been spying on him for a week and he just met you, you gain +3 to your roll).

If successful, you can divine things about the target that were not explicitly revealed. (Hey, I bet he uses his daughter's name as his password!) Multiple successes reveal more detailed and relevant items. This can be combined with Holmsing (below)

This is the Sherlock Holmes technique of looking at someone and gaining rediculously detailed information about them. Make a perception test against a TN of 4 and an investigation roll. The perception roll is modified by a person's direct attempts to conceal things. The investigation TN is set by the GM based on the nature of the information gained.

Each success reveals something about the target, which may or may not be relevant. This can aid in cold reading (above).

Example: The player succeeds his perception test and thus gets to make his investigation roll. The GM sets the TN at 6 and the player gets 3 successes. He deduces that the grey dirt on the target's knees indicates he was recently on his knees in a dusty place- most likely Hope Church's graveyard, which has lots of gravel about and has had a poor time growing plants. This means he was likely kneeling at a grave. His left ring finger shows a small indentation which means he was recetly wearing a wedding ring. Perhaps he was kneeling at the grave of a deceased wife. His suit is new and shows little wear, meaning the death may be recent, or he may have recently come into some extra funds.

Make an unarmed combat check against a target. If he doesn't dodge, he resists you with strength instead of body. If you have more successes you have grappled him and he is unable to move, draw weapons, etc. While grappling he must succeed at an opposed strength check to draw weapons, or aim firearms (even at you).

Make an unarmed combat check against the target. If he doesn't dodge he can resist you with reaction. If he fails he drops prone.

Make a melee weapon combat roll against the target, taking the penalty for called shot. If successful, the target resists you with strength. If you get more successes he drops something he was holding. If you are using unarmed combat and you get more than 2 net successes you may choose to be holding the item yourself.

Optic Advantage
You can attempt to make a perception test (TN set by GM) to attempt to use a window, glasses, cybereye, mirror, etc to see what's going on somewhere outside your direct field of view. (For example, reading a person's computer screen off the reflecton on his glasses). Such things should have very high TNs.

Do it Now!
You can attempt to use a negotiation test supplimented by intimidate (or etiquette) to convince someone to do something by creating a special scenario. Intimidate is used if the scenario is bullying, while etiquette is used if the scenario is just annoying. You might try to get past a guard by saying you need to go the bathroom really bad, or lure a guard from his post by telling him that you've run out of toilet paper.

Example: You attempt to get the border guard to stop from checking your ID by pulling out your purse and dropping it, causing all sorts of papers and card to go all over the floor of your car. You act all worried as you start trying to sort through the papers to find your ID. The guard, seeing all the cars piled up behind you, just sends you through, since you look like you're probably fine. In this case, you can use etiquette to suppliment your negotiations.

Example: You attempt to get into a club by demanding that you are the personal assistant to a celebrity who is supposed to appear at the club next week. You are overly demanding and want to make sure everything is perfect, because pop star divas like your client throw fits over everything. As the guard asks for ID and such, you throw fits, get on the phone and pretend to have a conversation, ask the guard for his name, until he starts to get worried and decides to let you pass. In this case, use intimidation to suppliment your negotiate.

The player makes a charisma check opposed by the target's willpower, by shouting things at the target. The player can force the target to take a penalty to his willpower roll if he has specific information to shout at the target (such as if he knows the target's sister is a whore and he shouts about how he was the one who gaver her syphilus, etc).

If the player is successful, the target becomes enraged and "attacks" the player. In regular combat this means targeting the player. Outside of combat it may mean unarmed attacks, arresting the player, or throwing him out of the club, distracting him from other people. Each round (or until the target gets his point across) the target must re-make the willpower roll (with a +1 cumulative bonus each round) to break off of the player, though he may get further bonuses if he notices that this was a ruse. (During a distraction he may get penalties to his perception checks, however).

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