Thursday, December 23, 2010

Outerplanar Races

An angelic being appears as a humanoid figure, either male or female, with perfect skin and feathery wings. While there is debate as to whether these are actual celestial beings or just the result of goblinization has yet to be seen. The fact of the matter is that they can die, and they can be just as evil as anyone else, though unsurprisingly most do act kind and richeous (and many do favor christianity as a religion).

+1 Body -1 Str
+2 Charisma +1 willpower
Angels have wings and can fly at their movement speed.
Immunity to normal weapons using their essence.
Bio rejection flaw. Allergy to iron (medium). Angels suffer double penalties for any background count due to negative emotions or toxic waste, etc, but not from strong postive emotions. Distinctive Features flaw. Innate spell: Heal.
Build Points: 25

Devils look quite different from angels, having long scaly tails in place of wings, and horns on their head and pointed teeth. Their skin is typically dark (usually some tint of red) and their eyes tend to have a red glow to them. As one might expect, devils do tend towards violence and "evil", though it is quite possible for there to be good ones, furthering the notion that this may be goblinization and not demonic beings on earth.

+3 body, Dermal Plating (+2 body)
+2 Strength +1 intelligence, +1 willpower, -3 charisma
Allergy to silver (medium). Devils suffer only half the background penalty (round down, so 5 = 2) for any background count due to negative emotion. Stigma flaw. Distinctive features flaw. Devils can use a horned attack (S+1)M or a bite attack (Str)L but not both. They may also lash with their tail (S-1)Lstun. They may not use their tail for fine motor manipulation. They suffer only 80% essence reduction from anything that affects essense (such as cyberware or essence drain attacks). They likewise suffer only 80% bio-index from bioware.
Build Points: 25

Not since shapeshifters has there been a creature more despised than the doppleganger, though many are simple creatures just trying to make their living in the world. They are born as gray skind hairless and almost featureless babies, and many are abandoned by their parents. Those that survive soon find that they can mimic the appearances of other people, even down to their fingerprints (but not DNA).

The capacity for fraud (and even that by their nature they fraud their appearance) disturbs and distresses others, and many dopplegangers hide their appearnace at all times.

They have a severe allergy of salt, which is how many people are able to tell dopplegangers from others.

-1 Body, -1 Str, -1 Quickness
+1 Willpower, +1 Charisma
Shape mimic ability, the doppleganger can disguise himself as a complex action as another character. He looks identicle, and anyone familiar with the doppleganger can make a perception test opposed by the dopplegangers stealth(disguise) test to pierce the illusion, though the doppleganger gets a bonus to the roll equal to his charisma score. He can take the form of humans and metahumans but not animals or objects. He must have seen the character to impersonate (either in person or as a picture), and he may suffer penalties if working from memory (someone he met years ago).
Allergy: Salt (sever) Dopplegangers cannot accept cyberware or bioware at all. Regeneration (based on essence). If dopplegangers specalize in stealth(disguise) they use the better of charisma and quickness to determine the cost of raising the skill. Stigma flaw.
Build Points: 25

Though people with knowledge of 20th century role-playing games are quick to label these as Illithids, the more lovecraftian fan base has referred to these as the Cthulukin and the name has stuck.

Easily identified as a human with an octopus for a head, the eight tentacles are capable of object manipulation, though aren't themselves particularly strong. Unlike illithids, they don't eat brains, though they can do a mind-meld technique which emulates the memory probe spell. Being amongst the uglier races they tend to suffer the same racism as Trolls, and their illithid and cthulu appearance does nothing to speak for thier innocense, though they are probably just the result of goblinization (though most of the studied cases come from single mothers making it difficult to determine patronage).

+2 intelligence, +2 willpower, -2 charisma
Innate Spell: Mind Reading. (they must grip a character's head with their tentacles to use this)
Tentacles: While they can grip things, tehy can't weild weapons or fire guns, though they can hold small objects (flashlights, tools) and some can learn to type with them. Distinctive features, stigma.
Build Points: 15

No one is quite sure where the fairys came from- perhaps they are just critters who have awakened to full sentience, perhaps they have been here all along and have "Come out of the Forests". In any case, fairies began entering into society sometime after Haley's Comet's second coming, and they've been met with all kinds of distrust, not because they're necessarily mischevious, but because they're small and often hard to take seriously. They are still afforded critter status and do not have rights, which may be justified since there is no documented case of a fairy being born to a human or metahuman (though plenty have made the claim!).
Fairies are about 1' tall (the size of a barbie doll) and have wings like a butterfly, insect, or moth. They can fly at their quickness speed, but cannot run very quickly at all (they "run" at 1/4 quickness on foot). Their small size gives them a +2 bonus to stealth checks (except disguise) and a +2 TN bonus to being hit (essentially you have to make a called shot to hit them- so you cannot further "called shot" them for extra damage).
-2 Body, +3 quickness, +3 charisma, -3 strength.
A fairy cannot start with points spent towards resources (0 points- $5000). A fairy does not suffer bio-rejection, but cannot take most cyberware or bioware due primarily to the size- it's nigh impossible to find a skilled enough surgeon to implant things, much less cyberware parts of the correct size. Their size also gives them problems with equipment, armor, and anything else that requires carrying thigs. They make great mages, however. A fairy mage gets -.05 to their initiation costs, and when they initiate they may treat their own body as magic foci, using half their magic score as foci, with no need to bond or purchase the foci. These foci are reassinged during initiation only. They may share this ability with any mage they touch, either willingly or unwillingly, making them a target for mages looking for free foci. On top of this, a fairy starts with essence of 8 instead of 6, though this does nothing to their magic. Fairys have weak immune systems and suffer -1 body to tests to resist poisons, disease, and toxic effects. Fairy mages are always shamans and are never insect, blood, or toxic shamans.
Build Points: 25

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