Friday, December 24, 2010

Monstrous Characters

Monstrous Characters are combat beasts. They are the Jason Voorhes of their race. Through some mistake of genetics, they have become stronger, more resiliant, and very difficult to drop in combat. Of course, this tends to modify their intellect accordingly.

Monstrous Character (+15 build points as a metatype)

+2 body
+2 strength
-2 quickness, intelligence, charisma

-1 to running modifier.
Monstrous Characters ignore all wound penalty modifiers for any test.
Monstrous characters have tough skin, providing them free impact and ballistic armor ratings equal to 1/2 their body (round down)
They gain distinctive style flaw and stigma flaw. They get +2 TN penalty to all social skill rolls (except intimidate).
They are larger than others of their species.

They start with only intelligence *1 languages and knowledge skills.

They also choose one advantage:
- Regneration (based on essence)
- Immunity to normal weapons (based on essence)
- Take only 50% essence loss from cyberware and 50% bio index from bioware.

They also choose two disadvantages:
- Get +4 TN penalty when using ranged weapons
- Take a -4 penalty to reaction score
- Take -2 to any mental score (int, will, cha)

Monstrous characters make excelled combat brutes, especially with melee weapons. Monstrous trolls or minotaurs are rediculous. Of course, everyone distrusts them and looks at them with disgust. Still, if you want murder and mayhem, this might be the way for you.

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