Friday, December 31, 2010

B&E Equipment

Glass Cutter:
A suction cup with an extendable claw that can circle around and create a small circular opening in most glass windows, usually very quietly. Often times you need only create a hole small enough for your arm to reach in and unlock the window before climbing in normally. Highly concealable (8). Does not work on bullet proof glass.

Suction Climbers:
These devices attach to your hands, feet, and knees to aid in climbing. Using these a person gains a +2 bonus to any dice to climb, and by making an athletics (12) test, they can even climb across a completely horizontal surface (like a ceiling). (The bonus does not apply to the ceiling climbing). Some walls and ceilings may be treated to prevent this, but outdoor ones never are because weather effects remove all treatments.

The lockpick gun is known, but regular lockpicks are small and easily concealed (10). They can be used to pick mechanical locks with a B/R mechanical test, base time 5 minutes with every success (use rating of the lock) reducing by 1/2. Basically a B/R locks kit.

Used to "pick" combination locks and dials. Certain cyberware may grant similar bonuses, but allows you to roll a perception test against the lock's rating to pick the lock, base time 10 minutes with extra successes decreasing time. With digital methods of locking doors, these are not quite as common anymore.

Bolt Cutters:
Already in SR3- but these are great for getting past padlocks or chain link fences.

Bag of Dust / Aerosol Spray
Useful for finding laser beams and (to a lesser extent) trip wires, as well as secret doors (provided they're not air-tight) and wind currents. Somewhat obsolete with thermographic vision and special cyber vision.

Grapple Gun/Stealth Rope
Already in SR3- great for climbing to rooftops.

With digital cameras being all the rage and all sorts of electrical setups to avoid tampering, sometimes you can just put a polaroid picture of a hallway in front of a (immobile) camera and trick the person watching it. Of course, a polaroid is needed for instant printing.

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