Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Fame and Reputation

Fame and Reputation is a system that can designate a runner's prestige and notoriety within a campaign world. It has various degrees of use.

This is really three types of scores:

Fame: How recognisable a runner is.
Reputation: The runner's noteriety (are they known to be cruel, effective, etc.)
Factional Affiliation: The runner's association with a given company or group.

Runners usually try to avoid unwanted attention, but that doesn't mean they don't want their name (at least their running name) out there for johnsons to know about. Every successful mission can grant +0 to +2 to a runner's fame, based on how high-profile the mission was, and how good a job the runner did. Failed missions can grant -1 to -2 depending on the severty of failure and the ease of the mission (easier missions have a greater penalty for failure). Runners with distinctive style and/or distinctive features gain an addional point of fame for each such edge.

When someone sees the runner (through their disguise, or hears their name, etc.) They can make a knowledge(shadowrunners) check: TN (12 - runner's fame). Success indicates they've heard of the runner, and extra successes indicate they have heard of specific runs. Certain other knowledges can suppliment this as appropriate to the runner's past, and people can default to intellgence if they don't have the knowledge check. Once they recognise the runner, they become aware of the runner's reputation.

Factional Affiliation: Runners can earn factional affiliation points by doing missions for a given faction, and lose affiliation points by doing missions for an opposing faction. The GM determines what factions exist and who their opposing factions are.

A given faction can be Allied, Neutral, Astranged, or Opposed to your given faction.

Allied: This faction is friendly with your faction. Parent companies or subsidiaries to your faction may be considered allies, while allied gangs are certainly allied also. Mitsuhama and the Yakuza may be considered allied.

Neutral: This faction could care less about the other. Most megacorps are neutral to most gangs or law enforcement agencies, for example.

Astranged: Not enemies, per se, but not neutral either. This faction may distrust you due to your reputation with the given faction. For example, many small businesses may be astranged from the mafia, who is known to extort money from businesses. Most megacorps are considered astranged from each other.

Opposed: These groups outright hate each other. While this might not go as far as gang warfare, it might. Most major criminal sydicates are considered opposed to each other, if not astranged.

Factional Points: When completing a mission for a given faction, you get +1 to +2 factional affiliation with that faction. Completing a mission for an opposed faction gives you -1 to -2 to this faction. Completing a mission AGAINST a faction may give you -2 to -3 with that faction.

Gm decides if a mission is worth 0, 1 or 2 faction points. The higher profile the mission, the more points it's worth.

0: This has little bearing and doesn't affect the faction much.
1: Gain +1 faction points on successful mission, -1 to all opposed, and -2 to any faction this is against.
2: Get +2 FP on success, -2 FP to all opposed, -1 to all astranged, and -3 to any faction this mission is against.

Certainly you can manage faction penalties by doing missions for various factions.

Example: Completing a mission for the mafia might give you +1 affiliation with the mafia, and -1 affiliation with all other criminal syndicates. If the mission was specifically against the yakuza, you might get an extra -2 or -3 in affiliation to the yakuza as well.

Effects of Factional Points: Every 5 points of affiliation is a faction rank. (1-4 = 0). Each rank of factional affiliation gives you benefits and penalties.

-20: You have become hunted by this orginization and they will go out of their way to screw you over. They will not give you missions, unless it's a betrayal. They will put hits out on you.
-15: You get +4 TN penalties to dealing with this orginization, including getting missions from them. You cannot get rank 2 missions from them. They will happily betray your illegal activities to athorities.
-10: Get +2 TN penalties to dealing with this orginization, including getting missions from them.
-5: Get +1 TN penalties dealing with this orginization.
0: No bonus or penalty associated with the faction
5: They will seek out out actively for future missions.
10: -1 TN bonus to dealing with this orginization, may get better mission pay or be privvy to some semi-classified mission data. You can start getting R2 missions regularly.
15: -2 TN bonus to dealing with this orginization, can usually get a squatter or low lifestyle with the orginization as a place to "lay low".
20+: You are in deep with the organization- they may get life insurance policies on you, actively seek you out for missions, you may be privvy to classified info, high or even luxury lifestyles paid by the company, and +2 dice for all skills relating to this organization (knowledge, requisition, negotiation, etc.).

Reputation: Not a score so much as a "Title", the kind of reputation the runner is known for. The runner may have multiple reputations, each which may provide a ceratain bonus. Reputations are easily lost and gained. They are grouped in such a way that a runner can't have multiple reputations from the same group (though he might have none from that group). Any mission might lose a rating and/or gain another. You need not have a rating in a given group. (You might not be known as especially competant or incompetant) and different factions may have different impressions of you than the shadowrun community as a whole.

Skill Rating
If the runner is known for botching rolls or failing missions. +2 penalty to TNs of all social skills involving johnsons or others in the shadowrunning community.
Competant:The runner is known for completing missions, or for having great skill in a given field. -1 TN bonus for social skills involving johnsons or others in the shadowrunning community when the skill in question is useful for the mission.

Kind: The runner goes out of his way to help others. +1 die for diplomacy tests to convince people to help him. +1 TN penalty to intimidate checks.
Cruel: The runner is known to be callous. -1 die for diplomacy tests to persuade people to help him.
Maliscious: The runner is not above torture or murder if it's convenient. -1 TN bonus to all intimdate tests if they know his reputation.
Bleeding-Heart: The runner is known to help others or seek peaceful solutions above all others, perhaps even to his own detriment. +2 TN penalty to any attempt to intimidate and bully

Honest: The runner has not been *caught* lying, and is known to follow his word. +1 die bonus when attempting to negotiate for up front cash during missions or to lie to people who know his reputation.
Dishonest: The runner is a known liar, braggart, or thief. +1 TN penalty when attempting to negotiate for up front mission pay or lie to someone who knows this reputation.
Trustworthy: The runner is known to keep the spirit AND letter of his word, never revealing company secrets, making sure not to cause extra trouble for the company, and being honest with employers while not being afraid to decieve targets to accomplish missions. -1 TN bonus when attempting to negotiate for up front cash or other perks(like requisitions) during mission assignments.

The runner is known for keeping secrets. +1 die bonus to get more information out of johnsons regarding the mission details or to convince someone to share secrets.
Gossip: The runner is known for blabbing details to others. +1 TN penalty to get johnsons to share more info or to convince others to share secrets. However, get +1 die to gather information checks made in large groups.

Weak: The runner has dropped or has low physical skills. +1 TN penalty to bully or intimdate, or to convince others to back down from a fight. -1 TN bonus to avoid being attacked first when in a group of stronger looking people.
Strong: The PC is known to shrug off damage, have high physcial skills, or otherwise be a battle behemoth. -1 TN bonus to bully, intimidate, or talk others out of fighting. +1 TN penalty to avoid being attacked first (especially by snipers). This may include people with high magic combat skills.

Careless: The runner doesn't care much about the mission other than the paycheck. He may go off on his own a lot, argue with johnsons, or follow the exact letter of a contract. To some organizations this is a perk +1 die to negotiation with such, to others it's a flaw: -1 die to negotiations.
Motivated: The runner gets involved with other items as they come up that may not have been mentioned in missing briefs (rescuing hostages instead of just killing bank robbers), and tends to do things in line with the desires of the company he's working with. +1 die to negotiations.
Self Motivated: The runner gets invoved with other things as they come up, but does things based on his own motivations, not his employer's. He might rescue people the employer doesn't care about (or would rather disappear), possibly bringing risk to himself and/or his employer and/or his team. +1 TN penalty when negotiating with johnsons and getting missions from people who's motivations don't already match the runner's.

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