Sure, all flaws are bad, but some... well, they just might be worse than their point value would suggest...
Blind (-6, -2 for mages): You can't see. Bad enough when it comes to everyday life, but add in your inability to read computer screens (and spellbooks!) and the fact that there isn't much of a way to suppliment this in the system (mages needs to see to cast spells!) and you've got a recipe for disaster! Maybe if you're a rigger/decker and you can still "percieve" in the matrix/car it's not so bad, but damn!
Borrowed Time (-6): Well, you're going to die soon, whenever the DM decides. Maybe you're old, maybe you're sick (FOXDIEEEEE!), but either way, the GM can pull out his magic button and say "And then you die." Now granted, he can do that anyway, but nothing says "I'm only going to play this one session" like Borrowed Time!
Para/Quadraplegic (-3/-6): Okay, okay, so you're a rigger/decker and never leave the house. You've raped the flaw. Otherwise you're wheeling around in your wheelchair (or rigging a wheelchair) just to get from A to B. Forget disguises (Look, another guy in a wheel chair who can't apply his own makeup!), forget B&E, your shadowruns better be all about running guys down with a chair that has spikes on it or something, because if you took this and you're not a decker, you're an idiot.
Total Pacifist (-5): It's not bad enough that you can't kill people, but you go into anguish when your teammates kill people? Jinx! Your player can't control them! Sure, that's the flaw, but what group doesn't have a kill-happy maniac?
Hung out to Dry (-4): Almost always taken by people who also don't have the social skills (or a million social penalties) to maintain contacts anyway. What better way to say "You're going to have to kick mimesis' ass to get me into the game" than hung out to dry, especially for a replacement character who doesn't already at least know the group. You can't have an NPC introduce them- they have no contacts! Almost ban-worthy!
Cranial Bomb (-6): Nice. You've got a guy with a bomb in his head and it could go off whenever. This is basically borrowed time except that NPCs can use it to manipulate you! Good luck getting it removed!
Mysterious Cyberware (-3): Half the value of Cranial Bomb- and it's almost always a cranial bomb anyway. If you're not a mage you're usually cybered out, and in either case you need every last piece of essence. Even if the GM makes it something that could be beneficial (against the purpose of making it a flaw) it's certainly something that's just a kick in the balls mission's invitation.
Police Record (-6): You have a criminal SIN, must live in a halfway house, and have a parole officer checking in on you all the time? I thought Day Job was rough! What? He also knows your contacts and how to reach you at all times? Why not travel with a cop and be done with it! At least the cop has something to lose! If you get through 3 missions with this guy then he must be a shadowrider setting you up because there's no way the police are that stupid!
Amnesia (-5): Yeah, right, like I'm going to make your character for you, and like you're going to play a random character without knowing his skills. Who the hell takes this?
Large (+4): What? An edge on this list? Of course! Why? Because the only people who take this edge are trolls (or meta-trolls) and those things are big enough! When you can't fit in a car, you can never blend in anywhere, and there's no reason why people aren't always suspicious of you (and thus your team), you've paid points to be a pain in the ass. But then, you're large...
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