Thursday, December 30, 2010

The Best Flaws

I did a post on the worst flaws, now how about the best?

Favors (-1): Someone has done you some favors in the past and now you owe them. Hooray for backstory! Now you have a contact that's not quite a contact, but is likely to be a source for missions!

Day Job (-1 to -3): This should be an edge! You mean I get money to put in some hours somewhere. This should probably be restricted to individuals with SINs or something because you get cash AND build points, and can quit whenever you want!

Hunted/Background Trouble/Enemies/Dark Secret: What a motivation! You need to hide out, you need to do missions to defeat the evil enemy that's been huting you, or every day is a fight to stay alive. Holy mission supply, Batman, the GMs should LOVE these flaws.

Inaptitude (-2): You have to spend 1 of the points you get back buying the actual skill I suppose, but otherwise it's free points so long as you apply it to a skill you're never going to really use anyway. Cheese!

Allergy (Phobia/Intolerance/etc): A GM can spice up any mission just by adding in the thing you're allergic to! It brings depth to missions now that it's sunny out. Of course, if you just cheese it out and take allergy to gold it's kind of weak, but then some critters with the wealth power pay in gold, so maybe even that will come up...

Weirdness/Trouble Magnet (-1/-2): The mission is going too well? They've walked past all your security features with their improved invisibility spells and rutheneum and are about to walk out unschathed? But wait! Someone else is breaking in to steal the same item, and they tripped the alarms! Need a mission hook? The johnson just happens to be the ex-girlfriend who never forgave you for the abortion you made her get. (Weird, huh?) These add tons of fun to any mission. (For more details see the post about this in particular).

Sensitive System (-3, -2 for mages): Double the essence cost of cyberware. The important thing is that it's the exact same cost for mages as bio-rejection. Why ever choose bio rejection? And how much cyberware is your mage going to have anyway? (Whether or not it affects bioware is a GM call)

Dependant (variable): You have someone who shows up and wasters your time, takes your money, and needs your constant care! It's a motivation! It's a mission source! It's a target for your enemies! (It's a chance to use Limit Break!) GMs should love this also!

Astral Impressions (-2): It makes you easier to track astrally. Of course, that will be quite the benefit when you get captured and the other mage has to find you! Everybody wins!

Pacifist/Soft Hearted/Lifesaver: For the GMs who prefer non-evil campaigns, this is just a way of fitting into the campaign world and doing what your team and job will probably prefer anyway.

Amnesia (less than 5), Flashbacks (-4): Great way for a GM to reveal your backstory over time! (If you wrote the backstory yourself that is!)

For those of you who did take special backstory flaws (hunted, enemies, amnesia, etc), the GM should award something special for finally overcoming the flaw through play- perhaps extra karma, or some special RP award. It's not everyday you can finally clear your tarnsihed name!

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