Friday, January 7, 2011

Harmony Points (HP)

Not to be confused with Hit Points, HP is a system to encourage a bit of cooperation between the GM and the player.

When creating a character, a GM can award HP for providing certain things which assist in the campaign:

1) Providing a detailed backstory
2) Providing runner motivation.
3) Creating a character consistant with the campaign world.
4) Having the character be workable in the world.
5) Having the character be friends (or at least friendly) with other PCs.
6) Taking skills(instruction/leadership) or powers(like karma sharing) that can help foster teamwork between characters.

Some points might be awarded for good "character conduct" during games as well:

1) Accepting a GM ruling without argument.
2) Active participation in missions (which may not mean being the leader, but at least offering suggestions or telling other PCs what resources you have to offer).
3) "Playing along"- if the group is supposed to work for Aztechnology, you aren't playing an anti-aztech super-secretive character or avoiding missions because you're "part time".
4) Non-Metagaming- this isn't about killing other PCs so much as not actively seeking out info your character couldn't know or having characters suddenly get suspicious when the player knows something is going on. It also means not quibbling over wording when you're dominated and told to "fight them", by dropping all guns and trying to box them or something.
5) Don't do silly things like shoot major "good" NPCs or other players or police or whatever.
6) As a reward for GM fiat perhaps.

HP would be expendable, probably working as bonus Karma Pool points that don't refresh, or using 5+ at once might be the same as burning a karma point. This helps keep characters alive who advance the story. The GM might allow them to be cashed in to get higher availability for items or to discount the price of items (or just gain cash).

You might think this effectively "punishes" people who don't do these things.

Reward: Something given or received in recompense for worthy behavior.
Punishment: suffering, pain, or loss that serves as retribution.

Emphasis is added: A reward is something given, a Punishment is a loss. We can argue relativistic terms, but just as Good Karma is a "reward" for completing missions, you can't say you are "punished" for not completing missions by not recieving good karma, any more than you are punished by every company you don't work for when you don't recieve a paycheck.

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