An updated chart of the build point costs, using options provided within this blog. Updated as appropriate. Red indicates my contributions.
Attributes: 1 attribute pt / 2 build points (Max by race or 6 for robot)
Skills: 1 skill rank / 1 build point (Max 6) Lang = int*1.5, Know = Int*5
Midget (-5)
Human (0)
Dwarf/Ork (5)
Elf/Troll (10)
Cthulukin (15)
Robot (20)
Shapeshifter (25)
Doppleganger (25)
Angel (25)
Devil (25)
Fairy (25)
Metavariant (+5)
Albino (-5)
Ginger (-5)
Clone (+10)
Animal Hybrid (+10)
Monstrous (+15)
Mutant (+25)
Ghoul (+10)
Otaku (+30)
Way of Kings (50) (30 SP)
Full Magician (30) (25 SP)
Magician Path Adepts (30) (PP = magic)
Aspected Magician (25) (35 SP)
Adept (25) (PP = magic)
Psion (25) (PP = 6)
Slightly Awakened (12)
Burned (5/10)
Artificially Awakened (5/10)
Dreamer (5)
Dual Natured (+10)
$500 (-5)
5000 (0)
20,000 (5)
90,000 (10)
200,000 (15)
400,000 (20)
650,000 (25)
1,000,000 (30)
$1,000/month loan (-5) (50k, 55k to pay off)
$5,000/month loan (-10) (250k, 275k to pay off)
$10,000/month loan (-15)* (500k, 550k to pay off)
*Loans represent either a portion of your exisiting starting money, or money you've blown before character creation (with nothing to show for it!) while still on the hook for the money. See money issues entry for information on loans. Failure to pay a loan can be very dangerous to your health. These can be taken in addition to your existing resources. Portions of existing resources may not be used to pay off this loan before character creation. Remember, you don't actually get this money from the loan, it's money you've already borrowed and spent. (It may represent a portion of your existing starting money, like if you spent 30 points to get $1mil, you can say 500k of that was a loan that must be repaid, for a 15 point discount).
Edges/Flaws: Cost supplied, min total cost, -5
Skill Tricks: 1 each, has prerequisites
Friendship: -1 per PC "friends" with, must be taken by other PC also.
Contacts: 1 contact level / BP