Thursday, December 23, 2010


Stealth is the worst skill in so many systems- mainly because unlike almost every other skill, where whomever gets the highest roll can share their success with everyone else, stealth forces the person with the lowest roll to share his failure with everyone.

And yet, stealth is such a big part of so many missions. For this, we're going to focus on the sneaking/hiding aspect of stealth, perhaps with some mention to disguise.

The problem is that you need to get everyone in to the facility to "steal" the information (or why bring them?) and yet, not everyone builds the stealthy character. If one guy sneaks in and does all the work, not only do other PCs "sit out" but he also wonders why he should cut them in on any mission pay.

Here are a few things that can be done (by GMs or players) to help the stealthy character succeed without making others sit out.


Divided Missions: We hear about not splitting up the party, but maybe a situation can arise where the main force of the party is fighting the "boss battle" during the time that the other PCs are sneaking around the facility. Perhaps they serve as a distraction or something. The problem here is that combat is very "quick" in game time, but very slow in real time. Sneaking is the opposite, with several minutes going by very quickly in game time (especially when you take 15 minutes picking a maglock).

Scouting Missions: One way to help everyone get in is to design the facility so that a "backdoor" or something can be opened up from the inside, so the sneaker can break in, then set up a situation so everyone else gets a huge bonus to stealth afterwards. (Maybe he disables all the alarms, loops the cameras, kills security members, or just opens the hidden entrance).

Stealth as Info Gathering: Instead of stealth being the crux of getting the party from the outside of the facility to the boss, perhaps stealth can be one of the ways of gathering the relevant information, stealing uniforms, card keys, etc so that while other people are decking or gathering information, the stealth guy gets to go steal equipment or something and then the party can go in together when it comes time for the "actual run".

Various Methods of being "There": Sometimes only the stealthy people need to phyically be present. They can sneak in small drones for riggers to control, deckers can be outside controlling the remote guns or cameras, and mages can be there "in spirit", even providing real sprits to back up the stealthy characters, which doesn't hurt the sneaker's stealth rolls while still providing actions and backup.


Augument Stealth: Clearly it's worth it to put some points in stealth, and stealth can be further augumented by ruthenem, (physical) invisibility, the stealth and silence spells, etc. Certain cyberware that enhances perception and good radio communication might identify guards and cameras before they become a problem also. These things can provide bonuses to the stealth rolls of the less sneaky characters. Plenty of spirits can help conceal, also.

Instruction: Using instruction can allow other players to "mimic" skills if done properly. The stealthiest characters might want to help other players "fake it" before going in.

Synergize: Whether it's scouting ahead for guard and telling players when its safe, or using disguise and speaking for the dumb ones (taking this wookie to detention cell 2), finding ways to utilize the stealth of the primary for the benefits of the secondary are great ways to use skills and teamwork to accomplish a goal.

Take the Damn Ranks!: Okay, I get it. You are a merchant, or marine biologist, or crazy cyber minotaur with 1 charisma. Just take a few ranks (3+) of stealth! You know it's going to come up! You're already a monster with no social skills or no combat skills or something else, at least have something you can do to help with the missions all the time!

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